Myrtle Beach Vacation Rentals is Pet Friendly
If you are bringing your family, including your furry pets to our beautiful shores, Myrtle Beach Vacation Rentals has several pet friendly rentals that will suit your entire family.
Our parent company, Elliot Realty, has a long history of managing great vacation places to stay, and many of our rentals accept pets.
Be sure you check our website for Myrtle Beach area rentals, some are near the new Myrtle Beach Boardwalk which is a great place to exercise your dogs. There are also 2 dog parks in the area and shady sidewalk places to walk during the hot weather. Many of the local pet stores and some other stores allow you to shop with your pets on a leash.
1902 N. Oak Street,
Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
Phone: (866) 878-2750
Website: www.myrtlebeachvacationrentals.com